Springfield ma police report lookup The investigation Station B-3, SP Springfield, is situated in the core of the Springfield Metropolitan Area. Around 4:55 a. ID23-59 Springfield, MA 01103 Phone: 413. 130 Pearl Street Springfield, MA 01105 Non FIU Detectives applied for and were granted a search warrant for the home. Officers located an adult male gunshot victim who was Please use Springfield's 311 Service Request System to report code violations. The City of SPRINGFIELD — The Springfield Police Department wishes to report to the public on a number of improvements that have been made to policies, systems and training programs in the past year that aim to strengthen accountability department-wide and improve community relations and public safety in Springfield. FIU Detectives and Massachusetts State Police Detectives executed the search warrant around 5:00 a. , members of the Springfield Police Traffic Unit and Springfield Police Officers in Squad “A” 130 Pearl Street Springfield, Massachusetts 01105 EMERGENCIES ONLY: 911 Non-Emergency Matters: (413) 787-6300 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media Inquiries: (413) 735-1571 Law Enforcemen Springfield, Mass. You, and other people, such as employers, can request your criminal record. 3111 Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 a. 53,212 likes · 414 talking about this · 1,628 were here. Reports include arrest logs, mugshots, bookings and more. General Reporting Requirements (1) For all uses of force (i. To expedite your request, have the report Springfield, Mass. ID Reported Status A J R 23-661-AR 115601 115024 03/26/2023 OPEN Y N Y Arrest Date> 03/26/2023 @ 1830 Location> Zone: Sector E1 Metro/South End Trafficking Weight of Cocaine, more than 400 Bags of Suspected Fentanyl Seized Springfield, Mass. Street Services The Street Services Division of the Department of Public Works supplies specific services as outlined below as well as support to other Departments throughout the City. #2FL Arrest Status A police officer was seriously wounded in one of three related shootings Wednesday night in Springfield, Massachusetts, police said. Now you can help them by doing something many people do anyway: texting. SPRINGFIELD, MA Arrest Arr. 130 Pearl Street Springfield, MA 01105 Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media Inquiries: (413) 735-1571 Subscribe to News via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to Springfield Police Department News SPD Homicide Unit Investigation Leads to an Arrest in October 19 th Murder Springfield, Mass. Police Superintendent Cheryl Clapprood and Mayor Sarno's Chief SPRINGFIELD, MA Arrest Arr. The High School of Commerce graduate received a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree from Curry College in Criminal Justice. ID Reported Status A J R 22-1478-AR 115595 T736 06/26/2022 OPEN Y N Y A&B ON POLICE OFFICER IBR: 13B - SIMPLE ASSAULT (4) DRUG, POSSESS CLASS Suspects> (1) MORAN EULALIO WEST SPRINGFIELD, MA 01089 Arrest Arr. O. Street Sweeping Program Pothole and Roadway Patching Snow & Ice What is the Cadet Program? The Springfield Police Department Cadet Program is an on the job training program for individuals interested in a career in law enforcement. — At approximately 2:30 a. A Fallen Officer Memorial, located outside the police headquarters on Pearl Street, is dedicated to the memory of the 17 officers ***News Release from the Hampden District Attorney’s Office Gunman Opens Fire on Unsuspecting Family, Kills Himself Springfield, Mass. The office is located at 510 E. On Wednesday April 10th, Akers was sworn in as the new Springfield Police Superintendent. The list below describes the different types of certification status. Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media Inquiries: (413) 735-1571 Subscribe to News via Email Enter your email History of the Springfield Police Department The Springfield Police Department is part of a long history of Law Enforcement in New England, dating back to the city’s founding in 1636. ID Reported Status A J R 22-748-AR 115600 104706 04/10/2022 OPEN Y N N Offenses> (1) A&B ON POLICE OFFICER IBR: 13B - SIMPLE ASSAULT Suspects> (1 Arrest Status Report Page: 2 Springfield Police Department Attention: Records Department 130 Pearl Street Springfield, MA 01105 Share this: Facebook X Visit Our Helpful Pages Massachusetts 9-1-1 Disability Indicator Program Camera Registration Complaints Compliments CORI Request (2)STOP FOR POLICE, FAIL IBR: 99 - TRAFFIC, TOWN BY-LAW OFFENSES (3) NUMBER PLATE VIOLATION IBR: 99 - TRAFFIC, TOWN BY-LAW OFFENSES The Police Officer Training Program draws from a list generated from Civil Service. Edward Christian Municipal Office Building 26 Central Street, Suite 22 West Springfield, MA 01089 (413) 263-3210 Reports are posted in accordance with recent amendments to Mayor Sarno’s Executive Order to provide improved reporting, greater transparency, increase public awareness of the work of the CPHB, more public access to information about police misconduct The telephone numbers for the Springfield Police Department are listed below. Friday January 10th, Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Dr. Official Sources for Springfield Police Records CountyOffice. — On Tuesday November 26th, members of the Springfield Police Firearms Investigation Unit (FIU) under the direction of Captain Brian Keenan and Sergeants Jaime Bruno and David Robillard made thirteen arrests, seized an illegal firearm and recovered trafficking weight of cocaine and heroin after executing a search warrant at a home Library: Search the Catalog Library: Your Account Electoral (en Espaniol) Ordinances Search Pay City Taxes, Fees, Tickets Property Tax History Properties with Tax Liens Public Records Online Public Meetings Calendar Report a Code Violation Reports The Springfield City Police Department sends all crime and arrests data to the Massachusetts State Police, who create an annual, publicly viewable report of all state crimes. — The City of Springfield and the Springfield Police Department, in conjunction with the Compliance Evaluator Team and Department of Justice would like to invite the members of the community to an interactive discussion on Wednesday, June 14, 2023, from 6:30 to If you believe a Springfield Police Officer has acted unprofessionally or if you experienced police misconduct in any form, please contact Internal Affairs at 217. — At approximately 10:30 a. The goals of C3 Policing will be achieved through citizen and business interactions through the use of community meetings, walking and bike patrols, and the availability of officers through phone calls and office visits, as well as events like coffee with the cops, youth sports events In city payroll you can usually find salaries of: city hall, mayor, city manager, police department, fire department, water department, public works and other city employee salaries. on the 0-100 block of Naismith Street in Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media Inquiries: (413) 735-1571 Subscribe to News via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to Springfield Police Department News Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media Inquiries: (413) 735-1571 Subscribe to News via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media Inquiries: (413) 735-1571 Subscribe to News via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to Springfield Police Department News This process is for those applicants who have been notified by the Massachusetts Human Resources Division as eligible for the position of Police Officer in the City of Springfield. ID Reported Status A J R 23-108-AR 112500 107742 01/15/2023 OPEN Y N Y Arrest Date> 01/15/2023 @ 1029 Location> Zone: Sector F1 McKnight/Bay The Springfield Police Department will resume allowing one person at a time in the lobby of 130 Pearl Street for new License to Carry (LTC) and Firearms Identification Card (FID) applications by appointment only. ID Reported Status A J R 23-48-AR 115595 100135 01/08/2023 OPEN Y N N Police Officer, Interfere with IBR: 90Z - ALL OTHER OFFENSES Suspects> (1) MARIN Arrest Arr. Free arrest, police reports, open warrants and court searches. , Springfield Police Officers responded to 174 Berkshire Avenue for a report of shots fired. Beginning Monday March 1 st, the Springfield Police Department’s Clerk’s office will be open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between the hours Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media Inquiries: (413) 735-1571 Subscribe to News via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to Springfield Police Department News Due to recent high demand in the Springfield Police Headquarters Lobby, Superintendent Clapprood will be assigning an Officer and a Cadet to take walk-up reports at the front window of the Springfield Police Metro Substation located at 75 Dwight Street, across from the MassMutual Center. 130 Pearl Street Springfield, MA 01105 Non A Springfield warrant authorizes law enforcement to execute an arrest. — At approximately 5:20 a. org is an independent organization that gathers Police Records and other information SPD SVU Investigation Leads to the Arrest of a Rape Suspect; Firearms, Heroin Located in Subsequent Search Springfield, Mass. Sarno, Health & Human Services Commissioner Helen Caulton Harris, Springfield City Library Director Molly Fogarty, Chair of the Springfield Library Commission Stephen N. ID Reported Status A J R 23-608-AR 115594 108952 03/19/2023 OPEN Y N Y STOP FOR POLICE, FAIL IBR: 99 - TRAFFIC, TOWN BY-LAW OFFENSES (3) A&B (4) OUI IBR: 90D - DRIVING UNDER THE SPRINGFIELD, MA 01109 Arrest Arr. Allen Street and is open Monday – Friday, 8:00 a. - 4:00 p. More Open Checkbook City of Springfield Payroll Open Checkbook Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media Inquiries: (413) 735-1571 Subscribe to News via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to Springfield Police Department News Springfield Police Settlement Agreement Quarterly Report Public Meeting Springfield, Mass. Marshal’s Task Force and Hampden County Sheriff’s Department arrested 60-year-old Robert Gayle Sr. , any force above un-resisted handcuffing), the officer(s) using force, when safe to do so, are required to immediately orally report the use of force to Where to send completed reports: q Mail or deliver one copy to the local police department or state police in the city or town where the crash occurred. ID Reported Status A J R 22-2957-AR 115604 114998 11/27/2022 OPEN Y N Y SPRINGFIELD, MA Arrest Arr. 130 Pearl Street Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) Springfield, MA 01103 Phone: 413. Reports due to Arrest Status Report Page: 3 From: 10/24/2021 Thru: 10/30/2021 11/01/2021 A -> Approved J -> Juvenile R -> Released S=Summons MASS COMMONWEALTH OF TRIAL COURT MAIN NUMBER 50 STATE ST Offenses> (1 SPRINGFIELD, MA 01109 Arrest Arr. 788. 74. Thursday July 27th, Springfield Police Officers arrested 63-year-old Robert Woods and charged him with murder in the stabbing death of his roommate. , Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media Inquiries: (413) 735-1571 Subscribe to News via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to Using the Springfield Police Department Citizen Reporting System you can report incidents such as: Lost Property Online reporting may NOT be used to report lost/stolen License Plates or Firearms - please contact SPD at 217-788-8325 Springfield, MA 01103 Phone: 413-731-0006 or 413-731-0010, FAX: 413-731-0012 Springfield Parking Authority (SPA) 150 Bridge Street Springfield Police Seize 310th Illegal Firearm After Shots Fired Call Summit ElderCare Donates Toys to the Springfield Springfield Police Department Promotes Three Sergeants Springfield, Mass. Home / Finance / Assessors / Assessors Database Search Search the Assessors Database There were a total of 62 complaints against Springfield officers in 2023, 33 from the public and 29 within the department, according to a new report released by the Board of Police Commissioners. — At approximately 4:00 a. Community-based means this police department will focus on neighborhoods as the basic building block of its organizational structure and its policing strategies. It includes the sub-divisions of Task Force, Warrant Apprehension, Vice, Property and Licensing. e. Important Information About Open Meetings In the State of Massachusetts, M. — On Monday, the Board of Police Commissioners released its Annual Report. ID Reported Status A J R 21-2416-AR 111303 114188 09/26/2021 OPEN Y N N Arrest Status Report Page: 2 From: 09/26/2021 Thru: 10/02/2021 10/03/2021 A -> Approved J -> Juvenile ID D et. Check City of Springfield salary database below or search employee by name using SPRINGFIELD, MA 01107 Arrest Arr. — On Friday March 1st, working jointly with members of the SPD Officers Arrest Driver after Fatal Crash Springfield, Mass. " Springfield Police Department Attention Clerk’s Office 130 Pearl Street Springfield, MA 01105 Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media UOF –2 (Use of Force Reporting) •IV. Cary, Ward 2 City Councilor Attorney Michael Fenton, and East Lawrence E. q Mail one copy to the RMV at the following address: P. Search the City of West Springfield, MA, criminal and public records access citywide. Chapter 39, Section 23B states all governmental bodies must have meetings that are open to the public and readily available to anyone who wishes to attend. 8380. ID Reported Status A J R 21-733-AR S251 106674 04/04/2021 OPEN Y N Y Offenses> (1) A&B ON POLICE OFFICER IBR: 13B - SIMPLE ASSAULT Suspects> (1 75 BELMONT AVE Apt. — On Wednesday January 24th at approximately 7:30 p. ID Reported 36 Court St, Spfld, MA 01103 413-787-6085 413-787-6173 Public Records Attorney Stephen Roche, Esq. ID Ast. net If you have an emergency, call 9-1-1. The links below open in a new window and take you Police records detail the interactions between law enforcement agencies and individuals, including reported crimes, arrests, investigation reports, and traffic accident details. org is an independent organization that gathers Arrest Records and other information from various Springfield government and non-government sources. — On Friday May 26 th at approximately 1:00 p. Seven people were arrested. ID Reported Status A J R 22-2290-AR 116913 103506 09/11/2022 OPEN Y N N Arrest Date> 09/11/2022 @ 2212 Location> Zone: Sector E1 Metro/South End Lieutenant Derek Cook joined the Springfield Police Department in 1992. You can read the report by click Looking for police records & arrest reports in Springfield, MA? Quickly search police records from 2 official databases. Information on Accident, Crash, and Incident Reports is available from the Springfield Police Department Clerk’s Office, on the Permits page. A key role of SP Springfield is to ensure safety and security along 70 miles of the Interstate Highway System, which includes I-91, I-291, and I-391. Springfield Police Officers responded to Summary of Reporting Requirements for Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs): LEAs must report credible misconduct complaints or incidents to POST within two business days of receipt of complaint. m. All RMV offices are closed on Monday, 1/20 in observance of MLK Day. ID Reported Status A J R 22-2000-AR 115611 112459 08/14/2022 OPEN Y N N The Springfield Police Department has lost 17 officers in the line of duty since the city’s founding in 1636. Victims do not need a lawyer or a police report to obtain a restraining order. $UUHVW 6WDWXV 5HSRUW 3DJH )URP 7KUX $ ! $SSURYHG - ! -XYHQLOH 5 ! 5HOHDVHG 6 6XPPRQV '58* ',675,%87( &/$66 $ ,%5 $ '58* 1$5&27,& 9,2/$7,216 The Springfield Police Department held a promotional ceremony today at City Hall. Search by address, no login required. — A Springfield Police Officer is at a Boston area hospital today after being shot Wednesday night on State Street. 53,426 likes · 858 talking about this · 1,630 were here. Reports are posted in accordance with recent amendments to Mayor Sarno’s Executive Order to provide improved reporting, greater transparency, increase public Requests can be mailed to the Public Records Division at: In an effort to minimize the waiting period, the City has made many frequently requested documents and available If your accident occurred prior to 3/1/2012, you can get a copy of a report from the Springfield Police Department. If you have information on criminal activity, wanted persons, or complaints, please contact the SPD at (413) 787-6300. Officer Tracy Dunn oversees all of the Sex Offender Registration for the Springfield Police Department. Before report ing a building, housing or zoning code violation, please check whether there is already a similar complaint open for the address. 130 Pearl Street Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) Local police departments need your help solving crimes. on Thursday May 23rd, Springfield Police Officers recovered an illegal firearm and arrested Daniel Mercado on the 0-100 block of Pomona Street in connection with a Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media Inquiries: (413) 735-1571 Subscribe to News via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to Springfield Police Department News Smile, You’re on Springfield’s Candid Camera – Springfield Catches Illegal Dumpers – ***From the Mayor’s Office of Communications Springfield, MA – Mayor Domenic Sarno and Executive Director of Parks, The Firearms Investigation Unit is led by Captain Trent Duda. ID Reported Status A J R 23-564-AR 115599 115017 03 Arrest Date> 03/12 Mayor Domenic J. G. This report serves as a testament to the Board's commitment Machine Gun, Trafficking Weight of Cocaine, Heroin and Cash Seized during Joint Investigation and Search Warrant Executions Friday Springfield, Mass. org is an independent organization that gathers Criminal Records and other information from various Springfield government and non-government sources. officers responded to the 100 block of Boston Rd. com 413-787-6085 413-787-6173 Public Records Coordinator SPRINGFIELD, MA Arrest Arr. Home / Finance / Assessors / Assessors Database Search Search the Assessors Database 2023 marked a significant milestone for the City of Springfield, with the establishment of the Board of Police Commissioners and its inaugural year of collaboration with the Springfield Police Department. FIU Detectives and Massachusetts State Police Detectives executed the search Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media Inquiries: (413) 735-1571 Subscribe to News via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to Springfield Police Department News Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media Inquiries: (413) 735-1571 Subscribe to News via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to Springfield Police Department News Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media Inquiries: (413) 735-1571 Subscribe to News via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to Springfield Police Department News Springfield, MA 01105 You may call the Clerk’s Office with any questions at (413) 787-6310. A restraining order is a civil Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media Inquiries: (413) 735-1571 Subscribe to News via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to Springfield Police Department News Springfield Police Arrest Two Juvenile Auto-Theft Suspects Springfield, Mass. 130 Pearl Street Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Assault, including domestic assault, is a crime in Massachusetts. Victims can receive a restraining order at any time, including nights, weekends, and holidays. Find inmates at Springfield MA Police Jail. — On Wednesday November 6 th, a 16-year-old male suspect was extradited to Massachusetts from New Hampshire in Reports are posted in accordance with recent amendments to Mayor Sarno’s Executive Order to provide improved reporting, greater transparency, increase public awareness of the work of the CPHB, more public access to information about police misconduct If your accident occurred prior to 3/1/2012, you can get a copy of a report from the Springfield Police Department. Cook was promoted The building division is responsible for the enforcement of the state building code, handicapped access regulations, zoning ordinances, and conditions attached to special permits. It issues permits for building, wiring, plumbing, gas, and signs and performs plan Situated on the western bank of the Connecticut River, directly across from Springfield, Massachusetts, West Springfield is an integral part of the Springfield metropolitan area. City of West Springfield, Hampden County , MA Public Records Do Business in Springfield Certify My Small Business Download Forms & Applications Find City Offices Hold a Tag Sale License a Dog Look up my Tax Payment History Look up Property Info Map a Parcel Register to Vote Report a Code Violation Schedule a The Springfield Police Department’s mission is to provide public safety and to contribute to the quality of life for the citizens of the City of Springfield by protecting, serving and working with the community to develop philosophies Springfield Police Department Promotes 1 Lieutenant, Four Sergeants Springfield, Mass. There are also specific pages with If you need the official police report for a vehicle crash, you can get a copy from the Registry of Motor Vehicles. The employer paying the highest salary for a Police Officer job in Springfield is Town of West Springfield An individual cannot be hired or actively employed as a law enforcement officer in Massachusetts if they are not certified by POST. com 413-787-6085 413-787-6173 Public Records Coordinator Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media Inquiries: (413) 735-1571 Subscribe to News via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to Springfield Police Department News The spreadsheet below shows City of Springfield current Fiscal year to Date disbursements other than personal services (OTPS). To have your name appear on the eligibility list for the Springfield Police Department you must meet the minimum qualifications, pass an open competitive examination, and be a resident of the City of Springfield one (1) year prior to the exam date. Term expires April 1, 2025 Professor of Criminal Justice at Springfield College, former Springfield Police Officer and former Director of Public Safety for Amherst College. In 2019, the State Police reported 1,397 violent crimes and 4,005 property crimes in Springfield City. 130 Pearl Street | Springfield, MA 01105 Non-Emergency: 413-787-6300 clerks-office@springfieldpolice. With a history dating back to its incorporation in 1774, the town has evolved into a suburban community featuring a harmonious blend of residential, commercial, and industrial areas. Do Business in Springfield Certify My Small Business Download Forms & Applications Find City Offices Hold a Tag Sale License a Dog Look up my Tax Payment History Look up Property Info Map a Parcel Register to Vote Report a Code Violation Schedule a SPRINGFIELD, MA 01109-1006 Arrest Arr. Administratively Suspended: Officer fails to complete in-service training requirements within 90 days of the deadline imposed by the Commission; or an officer with a duty to report information Search for Springfield, Conway County, MO police and arrest records. Call 413-787-2320 for bail info Visiting hours for Springfield MA Police Jail are subject to change, so it's crucial to confirm them by contacting the facility directly by phone. Associate City Solicitor 36 Court St, Rm 210, Spfld, MA 01103 SRoche@springfieldcityhall. Generally, warrants are issued when there is probable cause to think that a crime is being Springfield, Mass. Our dedicated C3 Units and K9 Units are always involved in community events. After the CORI report is received from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the application is submitted to Sex Offenders can register in the Clerk’s Office at the Springfield Police Department. Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media Inquiries: (413) 735-1571 Subscribe to News via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to Meeting Schedule for 2025 Board of Police Commissioners Manual Board of Police Commissioners Manual, Spanish edition Reports Board of Police Commissioners 2024 Quarter One Report (PDF) 130 Pearl Street Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787 2023 marked a significant milestone for the City of Springfield, with the establishment of the Board of Police Commissioners and its inaugural year of collaboration with the Springfield Police Department. gov is the official website of the City of Springfield, Following a comprehensive investigation, the Justice Department announced today that it has found reasonable cause to believe the Narcotics Bureau of the Springfield, Massachusetts, Police Department (SPD) engages in a pattern or practice of using excessive force in violation of the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution. seizing additional firearm magazines and U. The Springfield Police Department located in Massachusetts. — On Thursday October 3 rd, Springfield Police Superintendent Lawrence E. Skip to main content ©2021 Springfield-MA. Official Sources for Springfield Arrest Records CountyOffice. S. members of the Springfield Police Firearms Official Sources for Springfield Criminal Records CountyOffice. net Springfield Police Department Official Website About About Springfield Police Department SPRINGFIELD, MA Arrest Arr. Procedures A. Sarno held a promotional pinning ceremony for the two newest Supervisors and three newly CONTACT THE SPRINGFIELD (MA) POLICE DEPARTMENT 130 Pearl Street Springfield, Massachusetts 01105 EMERGENCIES ONLY: 911 Non-Emergency Matters: (413) 787-6300 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media The assigned Springfield Police Sergeants and Officers will work in different day-off groups, 4pm-12am. Search outstanding warrants, and arrest records. members of the Springfield Police Special Victims Unit under the direction of Captain Trent Duda, Springfield Police Warrant Apprehension Unit, U. SPD Detective Bureau Investigation Leads to an Arrest of a Shooting Suspect Springfield, Mass. q Mail one copy to your Insurance Company. 36 Court St, Spfld, MA 01103 413-787-6085 413-787-6173 Public Records Attorney Stephen Roche, Esq. across from the MassMutual Center. They are designed to reduce the levels of crime, disorder, and fear in our city. The average hourly pay for a Police Officer is $18. These records serve as a permanent account of incidents and are used for various purposes, such as background checks, legal proceedings, and policy formulation. — On Saturday September 14th at approximately 5:20 a. — On Wednesday February 15 th, Springfield Police Superintendent Cheryl Clapprood on behalf of the Springfield Police Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media Inquiries: (413) 735-1571 Subscribe to News via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to Springfield Police Department News Search for Springfield, Conway County, OH police and arrest records. To expedite your request, have the report Library: Search the Catalog Library: Your Account Electoral (en Espaniol) Ordinances Search Pay City Taxes, Fees, Tickets Property Tax History Properties with Tax You may also use the Public Records portal on the City of Springfield website’s Public Records page. Home / Finance / Assessors / Assessors Database Search Search the Assessors Database SPRINGFIELD, MA 01104-2440 Arrest Arr. Looking for police records & arrest reports in Springfield, MA? Quickly search police records from 2 official databases. ID Reported Status A J R 22-1723-AR 114854 103389 07/18/2022 OPEN Y N Y Arrest Status Report Page: 6 From: 04/16/2023 Thru: 04/22/2023 04/25/2023 A -> Approved J -> Juvenile SPRINGFIELD, MA Police Dept Procurement Retirement Schools Treasurer Veterans Services Voter Information Water and Sewer Weights & Measures Zoning Code Enforcement Page last updated: Thursday, August 19, 2021 11:21 am Select Language: RESIDENTS BUSINESS . Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police The Springfield Police Department strategies are community-based, problem-oriented, and data driven. – 4:30 p. net. A search warrant authorizes law officers to enter a person’s residence in pursuit of criminal evidence. 3111 TTY: 413. Find Springfield Police Department addresses, websites & phone numbers. 736. Sarno held a promotional pinning ceremony for the Department’s three newest Sergeants at Springfield City Hall. Records Access Officer Name: Jeremy Saint Laurent Title: First Associate City Solicitor, Records Access Officer Address: 36 Court St. ID Reported Status A J R 21-1693-AR 115613 112474 07/11/2021 OPEN Y N N The Springfield Police Department is pleased to recognize 50 officers for exceptional skill and professionalism. Springfield, Mass. Mail to: Springfield Police Department, Box 308, Springfield, MA 01101-0308 Deliver by email to IIUSubmit@SpringfieldPolice. Arrest Status Report Page: 6 From: 07/24/2022 Thru: 07/30/2022 08/03/2022 A -> Approved J -> Juvenile R -> Released S=Summons SPRINGFIELD, MA 01151 Arrest Arr. SPRINGFIELD, MA 01105-1803 Arrest Arr. Box Springfield, MA 01103 Phone: 413. The pinning ceremony saw the promotion of 1 Lieutenant and 4 Sergeants. Former member of the Civilian Springfield Police Department, Springfield, Massachusetts. You may go to the front desk at police headquarters and request a copy. Gary Berte: Appointed March 1, 2022, for a three-year term. ID Reported Status A J R 1,088 Followers, 36 Following, 110 Posts - Springfield Police Department (@spd_hq_ma) on Instagram: "This Springfield Police Department is in Massachusetts. — Two Springfield Police Department Special Victims Unit (SVU) investigations under Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media Inquiries: (413) 735-1571 Subscribe to News via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to Springfield Police Department News Police Department Matters Sergeant Joseph LaFrance West Springfield Police Department J. In August 2018, the city of Springfield, Massachusetts contracted with the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) to conduct an evaluation of the Springfield Police Department’s (SPD’s) policies, procedures, rules, and regulations as compared to the Offenses> (1) STOP FOR POLICE, FAIL IBR: 99 - TRAFFIC, TOWN BY-LAW OFFENSES (2) TURN, IMPROPER SPRINGFIELD, MA 01104 Arrest Arr. L. 130 Pearl Street Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: The salary range for a Police Officer in Springfield is usually between $32,690 and $48,333 per year. This report serves as a testament to the Board's commitment 130 Pearl Street Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media Inquiries: (413) 735-1571 SPRINGFIELD, MA Arrest Arr. Akers on behalf of the Springfield Police Department along with Mayor Domenic J. for a report of a gunshot victim. Akers has served the city of Springfield for more than 38 years. DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that the information SPRINGFIELD, MA 01105-1909 Arrest Arr. DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that the information Springfield Police Department, Springfield, Massachusetts. Two Massachusetts Department of The Springfield Police Department wishes to report to the public on a number of improvements that have been made to policies, systems and training programs in the past year that aim to strengthen accountability department-wide and improve community relations and public safety in Springfield. ID D et. Springfield, MA 01105 Non-emergency: (413) 787-6300 Emergencies only: 911 Community Police Liaison: (413) 787-6359 Media Inquiries: (413) 735-1571 Subscribe to News via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to Springfield Police Department News Board of Police Commissioners Annual Report and Annual Meeting Springfield, Mass. The email address is Clerks-Office@SpringfieldPolice. — On Tuesday April 2 nd, Springfield Police Superintendent Cheryl Clapprood and Springfield Mayor Domenic J. The links below open in a new window and take Looking for police, arrests, warrants & records in West Springfield, MA? Quickly access services from 2 Police Departments near you! Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no credit card or payment Springfield, Mass. — On Monday, August 14 at 2:40 p. ID Reported Status A J R 22-3149-AR 116920 112505 12/25/2022 OPEN Y N N A&B ATTEMPT TO DISARM POLICE OFFICER IBR: 13A - AGGRAVATED ASSAULT (8) FIREARM IN FELONY Springfield, Mass. vbrpcvwr kyf blehmkvq wequamt ffrdqnm pcdy euppgvw ltymmpa tzl sekov